25 Jul Science Dinner Potsdam: things about the heart
Organized by proWissen Potsdam e.V. the Science Dinner is a wonderful event combining fine dining and scientific lectures. The participants are served different courses while in between short lectures arround a theme of that evening ‚fill up‘ not the belly but the mind in between food intake. This year the heart was in the focus of the lectures and Dr. Gesine Dörr was the one assembling a multitude of facts and presenting them with all her heart to the audience. I have the honor of joining the table with my sketchbook, even though it is hidden and my process is disturb by food intake (..there could be worse) my goal is to have a finished visual summary by the end of the night, so that we can copy the image quickly and put one in each guests goodie bag – to have a low caloric night cap.

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